As your yearbook staff comes together and starts to brainstorm about school yearbook ideas. There are a few things everyone should know about developing and creating a school yearbook.

Here are some yearbook terms that all yearbook staffers should know brought to you by YearbookLife:

Coverage: What you plan to cover in your yearbook such as events, topics, people, etc.
Yearbook Theme: The verbal and visual idea that ties this year’s book together
End sheet: The paper between the cover and the title page and also where your theme elements should appear after the cover
Title Page: The 1st page of your yearbook, where all the important information goes
Section Divider: The title pages for every section of your yearbook which is where your yearbook theme elements should be visible
Table of Contents: Most often found on end sheets or opening spreads, tells where to find the divider for each of your sections
Index: A list of names and organizations and what pages to find them on
Folio: The part of your spread that contains the page number, section, topic, and any accompanying graphics
Sidebar: Extra coverage on a spread, usually fun stuff like Q & A’s, polls, charts, quick quotes, etc.
Signature: Every 16 pages of your yearbook is a signature. It’s how the pages are actually printed before they are folded, sewn, and cut.
Flat: One side of a signature
Spread: 2 pages side-by-side in your yearbook
Gutter: The space in a 2-page spread where the pages are folded and things can get lost
White Space: The space on a spread where the background can be seen where there are no photos, copy, or graphics. White space is a yearbook design element that should be planned ahead of time.
Deadline: It is when your pages are due in order for the yearbooks to be printed on time.

We hope that this will help get everyone on your yearbook staff on the same page. Now it is time to start creating your school yearbook. Contact YearbookLife today if you need a quality yearbook publishing and printing company.